Monday, December 15, 2014

And So It Begins... An Introduction.

Blogging? Again?? Aggh...
Hello, Internet. My name is Jo, and well -- I'm back to blogging... again. 

I used to blog in my early twenties, when that was a thing to do when you needed to vent. But I learned rather quickly that EVERYONE and my MOM could read it. 

Let me tell you, I deleted that account so fast! But, alas, that was a few years back, and things are actually really awesome now. Things are different. Life is different! And honestly, everything is awesome... [Well, not everything] and that's AWESOME! And, its time to share that with others. What is the key to happiness? Well, reader, I don't know what your personal key to happiness is... but I can tell you what mine is. I mean, there are how many people on this planet? There is no way that everybody's key to personal happiness is 100% different... pardon me, I tend to go on tangents. Eeekk!

So you may be wondering what you'll find on this blog. For starters, I'm a DIY-er. I love to build things, break things while trying to build them, and having my life partners tell me to fix them or call in a professional... and not a professional mess maker. I am a closeted cosmetics addict -- but you wouldn't know that if you saw me on the street! And I am also a homemaker, so let me tell you a bit about my home life.

Some of you may look at this stick figure family and go "whaaat?" Don't worry, we are not crazy. We are a Poly-family. "What is a Poly Family?" (Read this, and it explains so much, and I will write my own post on being poly, and what that means to my and my Life Partners, and our kids... at some point in the future.) 

Lets do this from Left to Right:

Hubbs, one of my life partners, is a "traveling accountant" and currently is working away from home. 1,223 miles from home to be exact. It's hard for all of us, but we do everything we can to make things easier. Hubbs only comes home a few times a year, but staying connected is key. He's a bit of a nerd, and is an avid gamer and reader... and has a bit of a Teavana addiction. He is quite the Sir. :)

Second in this Stick Figure diagram would be me. As I have said earlier in the post I love to DIY, and get crafty, and Pintrest all day, and do stuff, and maybe spend a little bit too long on Instagram, but they don't have a stick figure mom wearing jeans and a hoodie. So I am represented in a dress. You'll learn more about me as time progresses, I guess. There is too much to just sum up... and I apparently link just about everything that is relevant to what I am saying. Well, that's cool I guess.  

Wifey would be my other life partner. She's currently in a Masters Program, and is wicked smart. She's understanding and patient, and is an artist. She is a professional photographer, a lady-nerd, and also suffers from a Tetris addiction. She doesn't do skirts, so again, her stick figure is not a proper representation of her either. If only there was a lady-stick-figure that has short hair and wears a fedora. My Lady is awesome. :) 

Brainy is an eight-year-old girl in the third grade. She loves science [particularly weather], crocheting, every Lego video game ever made, and her favorite foods are dill pickles and spaghetti with meatballs. Oh, and she is currently telling me to add that her favorite color is PIIIIIINK [specifically, this color pink], and is learning to play the violin. And loves to read!

Artsy is a seven-year-old girl in the second grade. Artsy loves... ART! She's great with paints, pastels, on all kinds of mediums. She is caring, and loving, but sometimes the "alphabet soup" gets in the way. She is adaptable though, and really pushes to get things moving. She's a hard worker, and tries so hard in school, and is starting to love the magic of reading. She also has a seriously soft spot in her heart for anything fluffy

Short-Stack is a four-year-old boy who is currently attending Pre-School. He loves loves loves dinosaurs! Honestly, his first word was dinosaurs. He doesn't talk much, as he communicates non-verbally due to being Autistic, but the boy loves to dance! Pocoyo is his favorite show, and he will do just about anything for marshmallows. 

Lilly the Dog is our furry family member, She is a six-year-old Beagle-Husky mix, and she is the best dog ever. I may be biased in my representations. She will do just about anything for string cheese. She is a great listener. And my best friend. 

That pretty much sums up my intro. Thanks for visiting, and happy reading. :)

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